World Premiere of Tiffany Bennicke's directorial debut "Mais Je Veux Quitter La Fête" — Carl Thomson Photography

Tiffany Lauren Bennicke - World Premiere Of Her First Film In Cannes

I photographed the beautiful super talented producer, writer and actress tiffany Lauren bennicke for the premiere of her producing debut “mais JE veux quitter la fête” at the awesome cineum in cannes before the crowds arrived to watch this mini master piece of CINEMATIC gold on the french riviera.

Tiffany was a joy to meet and photograph, I’m delighted with the results from our shoot and it’s a pleasure to share them.

“My first ever World Premiere, of my first ever short film I’ve written, produced and starred in, and my first time acting and writing exclusively in French, at the Cannes World Film Festival, in the beautiful French Riviera. So many firsts that night. This is all surreal and to say this is a dream come true, is an understatement.”

“So happy to have had Carl to capture this moment, and that I have these stunning photos to remember this important date by.”

“If you want something badly enough, you can make it happen.” 

“Let me be your living proof.”

Tiffany lauren Bennicke